Monday, February 25, 2013

How to Organize Your Desk

Organized Desk

The most important piece of furniture in any office is the desk. Keeping your desk organized is crucial to being highly productive. Highly productive people have systems in place to help them find what they are looking for when they need it. When it takes you extra time to look for files or other important documents you need, your focus drops, and that's where the real time is wasted.

Most people get frustrated in small spaces, and feel they don't have the space to be as organized. The following are a few steps you can take to organize your desk, whether small or large: 

  • Create a bin or storage space on your desk to store active paperwork only
  • Store important documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, passports, adoption paperwork, social security cards, and divorce papers in a fireproof lock box or in a safety deposit box. Make sure you have photocopies of these documents on hand, but originals stored in a secured location.
  • Position your computer, printer, and supplies within arm's reach
  •  Use color coded cord organizers to tie and secure cords 
  • Store bulky supplies that you rarely use into accessible storage away from your desk

The key to an organized desk is having items you use on a regular basis within arm's reach, while creating as much open desk space as possible.

Small office desk
Fun tip: Bring color to your desk by purchasing colorful office supplies, check out Martha Stewart Home Office for an array of items to choose from.

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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Tips on Jewelry Organization

Jewelry Organization

Jewelry organizers keep your valuables cushioned and protected. Depending on the space and amount of jewelry you have, when storing your jewelry the key is to have the ability to look at all of your jewelry at once. Top trays that slide out, and give two layers of storage in a single drawer are ideal, but If you don't have one, there are a plethora of options to choose from. Before choosing a jewelry organizer do the following:

  • Get rid of broken, missing, and unused pieces
  • Create zones for different types of jewelry (necklaces, earrings, rings, bracelets, etc.)
  • Decide if you prefer to store pieces by color or type
  • Decide where you will store your jewelry (in closet, bathroom, bedroom, etc.)

Fun Tip: As always, shop around your home first before making purchases. The following is a kitchen drawer organizer used to store jewelry.

Jewelry organizer 

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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Quick Tips On How To Organize Your Closet

The Organized Closet

Organized Closet


Hangers are the easiest way to give your closet that organized look. By having  hangers that match your closet instantly looks updated. Get rid of all mix matched, bent, and out-of-shape hangers, and sort clothes before choosing which hangers work for you. There are a variety of hangers to choose from. Wooden hangers are the sturdiest and help retain shape. 

Shoe Racks

Another easy way to update your closet is to purchase a sturdy shoe rack. Depending on the size of your closet, choose a shoe rack that makes it easy to see all of your shoes at once, and takes up the least amount of space. Compact shoe racks that sit on the floor of your closet provide a better view of your shoes, while hanging shoe racks are ideal for small closets. Another alternative would be shoe boxes.

Belt & Scarf Storage

Belts can be stored on belt hooks or rolled and stored in a decorative box. Scarf holders can be purchased, or you can just tie several of them to one hanger. The most important is that they are visible and easy to get to.

The key to an organized closet is to make everything visible and orderly.

 Tip: When deciding on storage be creative and look around your home for items you already have, this will save money and time.

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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

File cabinet tips

Types of file cabinets

When it comes to file cabinets there are two types to choose from, vertical or lateral. Both come in a variety of sizes.

Vertical file cabinets

Vertical file cabinets

Vertical file cabinets are the most common type of file cabinets used. Vertical cabinets take up less floor space and store the most paper.

Lateral file cabinets

Lateral file cabinets are best used when floor space is not 
a concern. These cabinets are much wider than vertical and ideal when filing 
documents of greater width. Lateral cabinets are not deep, and generally used in
businesses to store files ranging in width. 

Lateral file cabinet

Use separate file cabinets for personal and business files. All files should be divided up, labeled  and kept organized. Files can be sorted and stored alphabetically, numerically, color coded, by date, by subject, geographically, or by using your own system. Keep current files reachable and inactive files stored away in basements, garages or attics.

Fun tip: Organizing can be fun and stylish, to create a unique file cabinet try a stenciled file cabinet like this one below, check out Two Twenty One for this DIY project.

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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Filing tips

A filing system is critical to staying organized. There are several systems that work, find the one that works best for you. Below is an effective system I use with many of my clients.

Start out by creating categories that work for you, use the plastic tabs for each category. For example, you can start off with these:
  • Automobile
  • Credit Cards
  • Banking  

Behind each category create file names. Do not use plastic tabs for the file name, instead use the file folder tab. This is how the system  works:

Automobile (use plastic tab)
  • Insurance (file folder tab)
  • Parking violations (file folder tab)
  • DMV (file folder tab)

  • Use a label maker when creating labels, letters should be in all capital letter format, black ink on white label
  • Only use plastic tabs to separate categories
  • Always purchase the best quality folders you can afford  
  • Each category can have its own color, or keep them all the same if you don't care for colored folders

 Fun tip: Organizing can be fun, try purchasing decorative folders for files that you keep on your desk, check out Kaboodle or The Container Store.

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Monday, February 4, 2013

Overwhelmed by Paper Clutter?

Paper Clutter

Paper Clutter

Are you one of the millions who struggle with paper clutter? Are you accumulating additional late fees because you refuse to open your mail? Has your desk turned into a storage location for paper? Or does your idea of paper storage include trash bags filled with paper? 

Reducing paper is the easiest and cheapest thing you can do to reduce stress and immediately feel more productive. 

Paper clutter tips

  • Designate an area in your home for incoming mail, try using baskets or bins. Take a tour around your home for unused baskets or bins, an old gift basket always does the trick. By using items that you already have will help to save money and eliminate a shopping trip which can cause further delay.
  • Sort mail daily. By sorting mail daily, unwanted or useless paper will not have a chance to enter your home.
  • Unread magazines and newspapers should be recycled quickly, or try donated them to local salons or doctor's office (be sure to cut your mailing address off).
  • If you don't have one already purchase a high quality cross cut paper shredder, this small, simple inexpensive tool is one of the best investments you can make. Always shred documents that have personal or business information.  
  • Filing cabinets are a must. Use separate file cabinets for your personal and business files. Files should be divided up, labeled, and kept organized. Current files should be readily available, while inactive files should be in storage containers and stored out of the way in places such as basements or attics.

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Clear Mind Organizing

As a mother, wife, and business owner I understand how important it is to be organized and productive. I enjoy helping individuals and  businesses design, develop and implement organizing systems that increase productivity. I am thrilled when I can show others how to get more done in less time! Welcome to Clear Mind Organizing.